Monday, May 19, 2008

Dancing girl!

Doesnt this look like a dancing girl spinning till her dress pops up?
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Ok, a bee pic!

So,..... I remembered how to find a pic(If the pic is there of course!)
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Bee update

Here ya go Janemma!...This post is for you!!

I'm into my second year of beekeeping now. Still, I havent had second thoughts about doing the bees! This is one of the best decisions of starting another hobby I have ever had.

There are a few things I've learned,(well, a few of MANY things I've learned) during my first year of keeping bees. I now know that not everybody finds bees interesting enough to want to keep them. Sure, people say they find bees very interesting, but not enough to start a hive of their own. I mentioned before to others that I feel beekeeping is only meant for certain types of people, and we're a select few. I dont have a list of what the requirements are to keep bees, but I bet the bees themselves know. I just know that I find myself a better person for being a beekeeper. Honeybees have opened windows for me to look out into a "Secret World"..When I see a bee, I see something that is important to life on earth, not just a bug that can sting me or a bug that makes honey...I see a perfect member to a perfect society which I feels humans should be emulating.
I've also learned that keeping bees brings me a sort of peace that nothing else on this earth can do...Tropical fish come close, but they pretty much dont have a choice to leave if they dont like how things are happening in their environment. When I sit there, in front of a hive just watching and listening, I feel that I'm on the edged of having the answers to creation but since I'm human I cant really grasp the truth that the bees already know and understand.
I also have learned that I really cant control bees and what they do, I can only read books, visit forums, and try the advice out from these places,
One more thing,....I feel that if a person is humble they will have a greater chance of understanding how and why bees do what they do. I'm not saying that I'm humble like what I'm talking about but I wish I was...Maybe thats why monks made alot of discoveries about bees....Because they were/are in training to be humble.
When I was leaving Pauls house, Paul came running out to stop me and told me to come look!..His bees were "Bearding" on the front of his hive(He got his first hive this spring). When I got to my house I checked on my hives and they were doing the same. I guess it was because it was over a hundred degrees today. I tried to take pictures but it was dark and i couldnt focus....I didnt get a pic to post this time...Not that i didnt try, but when I went to post a picture here I couldnt remember how and where to look for my pictures!
Now dont that just figure!!!
Well, Thats about it for awhile.
your friend,

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Ferret got put down....

Well, I kinda knew it was coming. Poor lil' Didi (my ferret ) was put down recently. She had an adrenal problem where almost all her hair fell out and she peed all over the place as she had very little bladder control. I put her down. It was a bummer....Not really the same as a dog, whereas I always take them to a vet to do it, and not as easy as a chicken(even killing a chicken can make me ball though). Didi was almost nine years old. The last few years were very unfair to here as nobody in the house ever wanted to let her out(including me).

I think pets go to heaven too. I mean, they ARE perfect, and if they appear to us that they are mean or wierd, its usually the fault of man altering their personality...Animals just do what they do. I dont want to go into explaining this next thing, but since having bees, I've come to the realization that animals ARE animals, not people. I've learned that you shouldnt believe that they understand everything as humans do, because they dont..Dont ask me WHY it took bees to show me this because I just dont know...Also, dont get me wrong..I DO love my animals! All of them!...But for some reason though I love the dogs the most!

I believe its true that a dog is "Mans Best Friend"! A person just has to open their eyes to see the truth in this!

I think Jesus probably had a dog at one time or other in his life.

Heres one of mine, Tank!
Oops....hes up there!^

Fishing is GREAT again!

Well, I havent been writing much here recently as The fishing has been really good!!!
I'm writing now because my boat broke and its gonna be in the shop for at least a week(That probably means several weeks!) Theres pretty much only 1 boat mechanic here in this town that is good, but, unfortunately, he works for the only boat dealer also, which means that new boat problems will always come first!( I learned this by bribing him with a case of beer last time he worked on my boat( I guess his standards are higher than mine!)
It really takes commitment to write in a blog on a regular basis. My hat goes of to you guys and gals who can keep up with a blog every day or at least once a week
Wel,...thats about all for now...My hearts still pumps....the truck still starts....And the bees are doing there thing!...Oh, yeh...I fixin' to enter a nation wide honey contest!! You can find out more on this if you google "The Great American Honey Hunt"
your friend,

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Nothing new here... Just a little complacency.

Not much happening here in the last few weeks.... I've bee pretty lazy about working on this blog lately......Been fishin' twice and havent cleaned anything yet...Any day now the mesquite should open up the little buds and the fishing will be great!
Ok,...I was wrong about nothing new recently, now that I think of it....
I FINALLY saw one of my queen bees from last spring!! She still had parts of the green dot on her back!
I did a hive split last weekend,...Just couldnt wait....Actually it wasnt really a split...It was more like a 50/30 split...I saw eggs, and larva, and there was a ton of honey still left from last summer...So,...I did it.....I grabbed a frame with eggs, larva, and a mess of bees, and grabbed a frame of honey...I put them in a new box,......(Right next to the original hive)(inches)...Then I switched positions of the two hives so the new hive would get forage...A few days later I decided to go ahead and feed the new hive.....
So far they seem to be doing great!!

My buddy Paul and i both got a 3 lb package of bees (With queen)..They came from Georgia, 45$ a package...couldnt pass it up!
I was stung four times from my package.....Pauls package didnt sting me at all....I wonder if I got stung by my bees because there were alot more dead ones in my package?
As far as my vacation time goes, i still have 5 more days and one weekend left....Sure is going fast!
My weight?.....Crap,....I'm sitting on 242 usually...Sometimes I get down to 240 but that pops back up pretty quick...I keep finding junk to eat!!
One last thing....The BOSTON REDSOX won their season opener in Japan!!...They played again(At 5:30 this morning) and lost....bummer....But,....They play AGAIN tomorrow morning at 5:30!!!...I'm getting up early and I'm not even doing it to go fishing!!!
Well,....Thats about it from here....I'll get back to you soon!

Monday, March 10, 2008


Ok,...I'm not 235 yet....just down to 242lb. I just ate 3 GREAT BURGERS!...Cooked them while drinking 3 ice cold Coronas! Oh, it was a beautiful day! I didnt go to work either as i have to burn 17 VAC. days off! know, use it or lose it days! Also went to the Dr this morning for a prostate check...pee in a jar,...give blood,.....Finger up the 'ol back door!!....Everythings cool I guess!
I got home, made a frame for where i'm gonna pour cement on my next day off.That went real well!
I have 31 items on a list i wanna do with my days off and so far I'm making groung move, even better than I had planned!
Looked in on the bees today! they were pretty quiet, so when I started seeing them pour out of the top from under the inner cover I told my audience(of one) it was time to RUN!...And so we did!..We ran right back to the grill with the burgers cooking!!!
Ok,...thats about it from here for now!
your friend,

Good day fishing!

I caught this one in '95..If he'd a been in a large, clean lake he would've gone over forty lbs! Anyways, with 4 people in the boat, the fish hit MY lure!. One that I made! One of the thousands that i make!
And I can tell you one thing in ALL honesty...THESE ARE American made fishing lures. I do it all from melting the lead to the last step of putting the hook on!..Tell me one place that has an American made slab spoon that costs less than 1.50$...A piece!..The leads from the U.S., The paints from the U.S. The crane swivels are from the U.S., Split rings,..yep, U.S. Prismatic eyes, you ask?.....You Betcha! The U.S.!
Do you wonder who my BEST customer is/was? Its a guy from China named Kenny who works out at my place as a scrap metal contractor!...Now, besides Kenny, All my other customers are from the US.From Cali. to upstate NY, down to Fla. and farther down to the Del Rio area!
Funny what can happen when a person catches just one fish isnt it?
By the way,...Went fishin' yesterday and didnt get but 1 ol' DRUM. It was a re-con mission anyways, so we didnt expect much...2 more weeks and they'll be biting again!
your friend,

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Claim to Fame!

This was one of many hi-points in my life..The fish just happened to have MY NUMBER!
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Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sunday nite Catch-up!
This is where I've been spending alot of time recently. This is a place kind of like "WONDERLAND"! This is where I go to learn about honeybees! This is where my favorite forum I've ever know is. This is where you can almost see people as God sees them..very peaceful, usually a very happy place! And, perhaps, on occasion, one of the funniest places I know!!
You can never tell when something here is gonna strike you so funny that you dont know if your gonne be able to NOT piss in your pants!!
Come on out here! Its a "Family Oriented Site"! Maybe you arent interested in bees at all. Maybe you want to got to a place thats not a "Meat Market" for once!
Who knows? After visiting this place you just MIGHT decide you want to keep bees!
Theres not enough people keeping bees now. Theres lots of diseases hurting the little bees now and they may have a better chance at surviving these threats with mans(and womans) help!
Well,...Think about it anyways. All the people here at Beemasters would love to see new people come by and visit!
your friend,

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Well, I'm pretty much just messin' around here after NOT messin' around here for awhile. The days are cold and before you know it it gets up in the 80's! In the last few days I've been getting fishing lures ready to sell during this spring and summer. I'm fighting with my decision whether to raise my lure prices from $1.50 to $2.00 . I generally only charge enough to be able to make enough money to put in my boat and truck so I can go fishing. Gas is so high now that I may just trade lures for gasoline!
I'm also planning for my honeybee season. I may split some hives so I have more bees. If I split my hives though, it'll mean less of a honey harvest(so I've read). I REALLY like my bees!!...Bees and Fishin'..Fishin' and Bees!!
This week I decided (AGAIN) to attack my beer gut!!...Its NOT the first time I've made an attempt to lose weight..Two times in the last 3 years I've gone from 270 down to 235...And thats it....It just takes that 1 donut!!!....And everybody KNOWS that donuts arent sold at 1 ea!!(Well, they are, but not how I shop!)..So, This time I started at 253 lbs...I'm down to 247 now...1 day at a time, right? When i hit 235 again I'll tell you..Thats when the battle of the bulge escalates to ALL OUT WAR!!
Ok,...gotta go...I think I'll go to Walmart and buy a nice big bag of,.....BROCCOLI !!

Fishing Day!

The water was calm. I took this photo when the fish slowed down for a minute. Like I said, the water was calm...But I bet it was 95 degrees! We were already catching fish before I even put my camera down!
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Janelles Portraits!

These are a few of my wifes portraits. The pics here dont do them justice as the light and colors come out different. I'll fix this later. Janelles kind of working on her own blog and there will be more information about "how" and "what" she does. When she gets it up and going I'll put a link here on my blog.

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Come on In!!

Alot of local fishermen (and not so local, like my friend kenny Long who travels back and forth between Dallas and China) have come through this door to buy my fishing lures. Sometimes they come here to do business or perhaps to just "Hang Out, swill beer, and have a good time". Through the door behind me is the way to my wifes portrait studio. I guess you might call it "The Door Between Chaos and Culture".
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Johns Lure Factory!
This is where it all happens...The fishing stories, the lies, the "secret places"...This place doesnt just make lures...Its one of the best places to make friends!
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Slab Spoons!

This is a pile of the fishing lures I make. They've been in the works for awhile(6 months). I figured i'd better get busy making more as the fishing starts getting HOT in March. I have several hundred more to finish up like these..Pink and white is my favorite color...Hmmm,... funny thing...Pink and white is EVERYBODYS favorite color...Imagine that!
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Saturday, February 2, 2008

One of my "Daffodils"

One of my other hobbies is raising tropical fish.
This is one of my daffodils, very closely resembling a Brichardi(Lamprologus") He stays with another male in a tank full of other African cichlids. If I add a female to this tank I'll have hundreds of these before i know what hit me. The daffodils are one of my favorites, but they can be as mean as they are beautiful when they pair off.
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Monday, January 28, 2008

Redsox @ Rangers!!

The Boston Redsox Came to the Texas Ranger Stadium last summer And we(The Fishing Team) opted to miss a day of fishing and headed to Arlington instead!
We got our tickets on-line and had to wait months till we got to go! I cant even remember the score but OUR Redsox WON!!. There was a 3 hour rain delay..Right after they pulled the tarp off of the field I had a panic/anxiety attack!!(I had some crazy things going on with me at that time). I didnt tell anyone because this game cost me alot of money and I wasnt about to ruin everybody elses time.
One of the best things about going to this game was the fact that dad went with us too!
Last time we went to Arlington stadium(1974 I believe) I was doing the driving..Why not???After all, I had recieved my learners permit about the week before we went!
That was GREAT TOO!!..We all had to pee SOOO BAD that I really thought I WAS going to piss im my pants!!!..Everybody else thought they were going to do the same especially with me at the wheel!(And a cold Bud Lite!!
On this more recent trip though it was nothing like the first time....We DID get LOST in Dallas somewhere!!..We didnt get home till nearly sun-up!!

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The Fishing Team!

These are my Fishing partners! Every weekend or even more times a week we all get together to go fish.This will be our 4th year together! Its hard keeping fishing partners that you can count on, on a regular basis to keep going fishing! These fishing partners are more than just fishing partners..They're also very dear friends to me . From top to bottom..Paul Wallace. Me, my dad, Mike, and Pauls wife, Kanna.
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This is MY Bee!And her friend.
They came out today for a little
Flight around the yard!
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Saturday, January 26, 2008

New guy problems today!

Its been anothe long day so far...I've been helping my wife start a blog today,...First off, we couldnt get pics to go to the blog.It was only loading red X's in the corners.We tried this for hours...One thing led to another...I dumped Java cuz it wasnt working right for some reason, and in that process I had to dump and re install Flash 9..I cant get the flash to download, I think the Adobe place is having problems..
Ok,...I'll get back on it tomorrow!
My bees came out to see me today!!..Its been real cold recently but this weekend is supposed to be warmer. I'm thinking of building some plywood nucs for this summer as I dont know how many bees I mite catch. Could be only 3 swarms or maybe over 30!!
Ok,..I better go read..It'll be either Mitch Rapp(A real cooool assassin) or a bee book.

Friday, January 25, 2008

My First Picture!

I've FINALLY got a picture up...been here for 5 hours and you can now see the fruits of my labors! Well, I guess its a start.Now, I only have to show my folks, my fishing pictures, my dogs, my bees, my wife Janelle, my friends,(both of them) and, of course, more of me! I havent been up this late in YEARS!

My spot in the living room!

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Second Coming(or) Another writing

Well, Its my second day at this,....I'm poking around at how to do a picture post. This is, of course, a futile effort as I lost all my pictures and email from years back due to my computer getting windows all corrupted. At least I didnt have to buy another computer though!
It's my own fault this happened to me. Do you remember people telling you to never pull the plug when your computers doing something? Well, I remember too,........But I pulled the plug anyways....And for good measure I pulled it again,...and again,...and again!...Well now,...I can tell you one thing...I'll never pull the plug AGAIN!!!,..Shoot, I'm afraid to just turn the damn thing off now!!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Its almost 23:00 and I'm just finishing up on making my blog.
Most of the last 2 days I've been wasting in front of the TV. Its been too cold to fish lately and the price of gas doesnt help either.
I cant do much with the bees today. I already built my beehives I just got a couple of weeks ago, now I have to wait till spring to see if I can catch some "Inhabitants" for them. Hopefully, tomorrow, I might be able to figure out how to do a picture here. I hope this turns out right!