Sunday, January 20, 2008

Its almost 23:00 and I'm just finishing up on making my blog.
Most of the last 2 days I've been wasting in front of the TV. Its been too cold to fish lately and the price of gas doesnt help either.
I cant do much with the bees today. I already built my beehives I just got a couple of weeks ago, now I have to wait till spring to see if I can catch some "Inhabitants" for them. Hopefully, tomorrow, I might be able to figure out how to do a picture here. I hope this turns out right!

1 comment:

Caleb said...

Yes, this is the time of the year where there's not nearly as much to do outside. My bees have been slowly poking their heads out though. We had some hot days when they'd start flying around, can't wait for spring!