Here ya go Janemma!...This post is for you!!
I'm into my second year of beekeeping now. Still, I havent had second thoughts about doing the bees! This is one of the best decisions of starting another hobby I have ever had.
There are a few things I've learned,(well, a few of MANY things I've learned) during my first year of keeping bees. I now know that not everybody finds bees interesting enough to want to keep them. Sure, people say they find bees very interesting, but not enough to start a hive of their own. I mentioned before to others that I feel beekeeping is only meant for certain types of people, and we're a select few. I dont have a list of what the requirements are to keep bees, but I bet the bees themselves know. I just know that I find myself a better person for being a beekeeper. Honeybees have opened windows for me to look out into a "Secret World"..When I see a bee, I see something that is important to life on earth, not just a bug that can sting me or a bug that makes honey...I see a perfect member to a perfect society which I feels humans should be emulating.
I've also learned that keeping bees brings me a sort of peace that nothing else on this earth can do...Tropical fish come close, but they pretty much dont have a choice to leave if they dont like how things are happening in their environment. When I sit there, in front of a hive just watching and listening, I feel that I'm on the edged of having the answers to creation but since I'm human I cant really grasp the truth that the bees already know and understand.
I also have learned that I really cant control bees and what they do, I can only read books, visit forums, and try the advice out from these places,
One more thing,....I feel that if a person is humble they will have a greater chance of understanding how and why bees do what they do. I'm not saying that I'm humble like what I'm talking about but I wish I was...Maybe thats why monks made alot of discoveries about bees....Because they were/are in training to be humble.
When I was leaving Pauls house, Paul came running out to stop me and told me to come look!..His bees were "Bearding" on the front of his hive(He got his first hive this spring). When I got to my house I checked on my hives and they were doing the same. I guess it was because it was over a hundred degrees today. I tried to take pictures but it was dark and i couldnt focus....I didnt get a pic to post this time...Not that i didnt try, but when I went to post a picture here I couldnt remember how and where to look for my pictures!
Now dont that just figure!!!
Well, Thats about it for awhile.
your friend,