This is where I've been spending alot of time recently. This is a place kind of like "WONDERLAND"! This is where I go to learn about honeybees! This is where my favorite forum I've ever know is. This is where you can almost see people as God sees them..very peaceful, usually a very happy place! And, perhaps, on occasion, one of the funniest places I know!!
You can never tell when something here is gonna strike you so funny that you dont know if your gonne be able to NOT piss in your pants!!
Come on out here! Its a "Family Oriented Site"! Maybe you arent interested in bees at all. Maybe you want to got to a place thats not a "Meat Market" for once!
Who knows? After visiting this place you just MIGHT decide you want to keep bees!
Theres not enough people keeping bees now. Theres lots of diseases hurting the little bees now and they may have a better chance at surviving these threats with mans(and womans) help!
Well,...Think about it anyways. All the people here at Beemasters would love to see new people come by and visit!
your friend,