Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Nothing new here... Just a little complacency.

Not much happening here in the last few weeks.... I've bee pretty lazy about working on this blog lately......Been fishin' twice and havent cleaned anything yet...Any day now the mesquite should open up the little buds and the fishing will be great!
Ok,...I was wrong about nothing new recently, now that I think of it....
I FINALLY saw one of my queen bees from last spring!! She still had parts of the green dot on her back!
I did a hive split last weekend,...Just couldnt wait....Actually it wasnt really a split...It was more like a 50/30 split...I saw eggs, and larva, and there was a ton of honey still left from last summer...So,...I did it.....I grabbed a frame with eggs, larva, and a mess of bees, and grabbed a frame of honey...I put them in a new box,......(Right next to the original hive)(inches)...Then I switched positions of the two hives so the new hive would get forage...A few days later I decided to go ahead and feed the new hive.....
So far they seem to be doing great!!

My buddy Paul and i both got a 3 lb package of bees (With queen)..They came from Georgia, 45$ a package...couldnt pass it up!
I was stung four times from my package.....Pauls package didnt sting me at all....I wonder if I got stung by my bees because there were alot more dead ones in my package?
As far as my vacation time goes, i still have 5 more days and one weekend left....Sure is going fast!
My weight?.....Crap,....I'm sitting on 242 usually...Sometimes I get down to 240 but that pops back up pretty quick...I keep finding junk to eat!!
One last thing....The BOSTON REDSOX won their season opener in Japan!!...They played again(At 5:30 this morning) and lost....bummer....But,....They play AGAIN tomorrow morning at 5:30!!!...I'm getting up early and I'm not even doing it to go fishing!!!
Well,....Thats about it from here....I'll get back to you soon!

Monday, March 10, 2008


Ok,...I'm not 235 yet....just down to 242lb. I just ate 3 GREAT BURGERS!...Cooked them while drinking 3 ice cold Coronas! Oh, it was a beautiful day! I didnt go to work either as i have to burn 17 VAC. days off! know, use it or lose it days! Also went to the Dr this morning for a prostate check...pee in a jar,...give blood,.....Finger up the 'ol back door!!....Everythings cool I guess!
I got home, made a frame for where i'm gonna pour cement on my next day off.That went real well!
I have 31 items on a list i wanna do with my days off and so far I'm making groung move, even better than I had planned!
Looked in on the bees today! they were pretty quiet, so when I started seeing them pour out of the top from under the inner cover I told my audience(of one) it was time to RUN!...And so we did!..We ran right back to the grill with the burgers cooking!!!
Ok,...thats about it from here for now!
your friend,

Good day fishing!

I caught this one in '95..If he'd a been in a large, clean lake he would've gone over forty lbs! Anyways, with 4 people in the boat, the fish hit MY lure!. One that I made! One of the thousands that i make!
And I can tell you one thing in ALL honesty...THESE ARE American made fishing lures. I do it all from melting the lead to the last step of putting the hook on!..Tell me one place that has an American made slab spoon that costs less than 1.50$...A piece!..The leads from the U.S., The paints from the U.S. The crane swivels are from the U.S., Split rings,..yep, U.S. Prismatic eyes, you ask?.....You Betcha! The U.S.!
Do you wonder who my BEST customer is/was? Its a guy from China named Kenny who works out at my place as a scrap metal contractor!...Now, besides Kenny, All my other customers are from the US.From Cali. to upstate NY, down to Fla. and farther down to the Del Rio area!
Funny what can happen when a person catches just one fish isnt it?
By the way,...Went fishin' yesterday and didnt get but 1 ol' DRUM. It was a re-con mission anyways, so we didnt expect much...2 more weeks and they'll be biting again!
your friend,

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Claim to Fame!

This was one of many hi-points in my life..The fish just happened to have MY NUMBER!
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